Parrot Drawing
This week I had the opportunity to give an art lesson to second graders.
It was great to see their happy faces when I showed them the Parrot drawing. This was going to be the project for the art class.
Fifty minutes of silence, attention, and dedicated work resulted in amazing drawings. I showed the kids how to get started step by step.
First, I asked them to draw two guidelines across the middle of the paper. This is a crucial step to start drawing in the correct place; otherwise, they will begin drawing in a corner or a small area of the paper. Because of this, I taught them the notion of space and the relation between the lines.
Then I showed them how and where to draw the Parrots' outlines. When the outlines were ready, it was time to fill the body with the feathers' pattern. Finally, the Parrots' drawing was ready to be traced with a black pencil and colored.
Here are some of the fantastic works of the second-grade kids!